Thursday, August 14, 2014

White Teeth Impacts More Than Just Your Appearance

By Martin Giniger, DMD, MsD, PhD, FICD

Many people yearn for a perfect white teeth that are free of stains and discolorations. In fact, a recent consumer survey published in the Journal of Consumer Research shows that the aspiration for an attractive smile is the #1 motivator for working harder to improve overall oral hygiene. However there are still many people who have excellent oral hygiene practices, but still cannot achieve their goal of stain-free white teeth. Unfortunately yellow teeth impact more than just your appearance your appearance, and therefore this is a significant problem.

Yellow teeth can impact your self-confidence when interacting with others. Low self-confidence can in turn impact your performance either on the job or in your personal life. Whether this insecurity causes you to refrain from smiling in public or limits your social interactions, you know that teeth stains are not just superficial—they impact your life on a deeper psychological level too.

Fortunately, the Power Swabs Teeth Whitening System can help you achieve a brighter, whiter smile within just one week or less. In fact,most people see a noticeable improvement after just one use. Unlike all other teeth whitening products on the market, only Powerswabs uses a combination of both detergents and whiteners to actually physically remove stains from teeth. When rubbed onto teeth, the swabs act as mini “teeth stain erasers", that allow you to target your whitening efforts, and whiten without any sensitivity. Moreover, only Power Swabs work on all dental surfaces, including caps, crowns, white fillings and veneers. 

Power Swabs are also extremely economical when you consider the long-term benefits white teeth can have on your self-esteem and confidence. The Power Swabs regimen is a collection of whitening products with unique roles that work together to deliver whitening results that turn heads. These products include,swabs, stain removers, toothpastes, gum rejuvenators and even the world’s first tooth gloss. I recommend that you give all the products a try and you will have whiter teeth and higher self-esteem at no time at all. Today would be a good time to get started, since all the research shows that people with whiter teeth look healthier, wealthier, more attractive and even more intelligent. Yes, indeed, white teeth impact much more than just your appearance!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

White Teeth Are The Most Important Key To Physical Attraction in Young Professionals

by Dr. Martin Giniger

If you are young and looking for a date, or even a mate, never underestimate the importance of white teeth! It turns out single young professional men and women are looking for the exact same asset when it comes to their prospective dates: Straight, white teeth. The MailOnline, a UK news publication, reports that an exhaustive new survey of nearly 5,500 unattached professional adults ages 21 and older found that white teeth is the number one attribute that attracts them to another person. Nearly 60% of men claim that they care most about good teeth in a potential date and a staggering 71% of women who ranked teeth as most the important attribute a person can have.

The survey also showed that after white teeth came grammar, hair, clothes, tattoos and fingernails for what guys pay attention to on women. For women, the list was similar, except clothes, hair and nails ranked higher than tattoos. The scientists who conducted the study explained the reason why white teeth are so important. They claim that it is because teeth are the human equivalent of a peacock’s tail - a sign of health and genetic quality designed to help choose a mate.

So the bottom line is that if you want the best chance of attracting a great looking mate or date, you’ll need to have white teeth. Certainly the very best way to achieve this goal is use the Power Swabs Teeth Whitening System. Only Power Swabs contains both detergents and a whitener to rapidly lift stains off of teeth. In fact, you will see an average of 2 shades of improved whiteness after the very first use and and 6-7 shades after a full week.

Power Swabs require a commitment of only 5 minutes a day for 1 week. They are simple to use and they work on all dental surfaces. So if you have caps, crowns, veneers, white fillings or bonding, Power Swabs is the system for you. Also Power Swabs causes absolutely no teeth sensitivity or pain, so even if you have tried other teeth whitening systems and given up, Power Swabs is the product for you.

There is only one possible conclusion: If you are a young professional and you are seriously looking for an attractive mate or date, you must have white teeth. And surely Power Swabs is the easiest and fastest way to achieve this goal. Choose to be your best. Get started with Power Swabs today.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Helping Busy Moms Find Time To Whiten Their Teeth

by Dr. Martin Giniger

What should I cook for dinner tonight? How much sugar is in that snack? When does my baby need to see the doctor again? As a busy mother, you have a lot of things on your plate and often all at once. It can be easy for small tasks to get lost in the shuffle. However, some of those tasks are so important—like doing things that make your own life happier—that you can’t afford to let them slip.

Teeth whitening is closely linked to improved self-esteem and a younger, more beautiful outward appearance. Having whiter teeth can make you happier and make you more likely to be perceived in a more positive manner. You deserve to care for yourself optimally every day. Use these tips to ensure that you can fit in a proper and easy teeth whitening routine along with everything else.


1. Use Power Swabs to whiten your teeth. The Power Swabs Teeth Whitening System only requires 5 minutes of use each day for just one week. You will see positive results after just one use and even more dramatic results after one week. Nothing is easier or more efficient. Only Power Swabs can deliver true stain removal without any sensitivity and only Power Swabs work on any dental surface. Regardless if you have caps, crowns, veneers or bonding, Power Swabs will work for you.

2. Make sure you take 2 minutes a day to care for your teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use the Power Swabs Maintenance Swabs once weekly to keep your teeth shining white and bright.

3. Brush in a soft, circular motion and don’t brush too hard. Divide your mouth into quadrants and spend time carefully brushing every area of each quadrant.

4. Floss every day. The time of day doesn’t matter, just as long as you do it. Flossing reaches between the teeth and into crevices where a toothbrush can’t reach, removing harmful bacteria and debris.

5. People who exercise have better oral health than those who don’t, especially when it comes to gum disease, according to a recent study in the Journal of Periodontology. Make time for exercise to protect your total health from head to toe.

6. Fruits and vegetables aren’t only good for your total health but they are good for your teeth too. Certain fruits such as strawberries actually help whiten your teeth.

7. Be an example to your kids. Show them that no matter what happens in life, proper dental care and having a white beautiful smile is always a top priority.