Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dental Tips and Tricks For A Healthier Halloween

by Martin Giniger, DMD, MsD, PhD, FICD

The fall season has arrived which means that the holidays are close at hand. Halloween marks the starting point of this annual season of sweets. The next few months will likely include an increase in the consumption of sweets and other treats and, therefore, more dental cavities. Halloween can also present parents with a variety of health and safety challenges, but Halloween can also be used as an opportunity to teach kids good dental health habits. Here are some reminders and helpful hints to ensure you and your kids have a healthy and fun Halloween:
  1. Eat Halloween candy and other sugary foods with meals or shortly after mealtime. Saliva production increases during meals and helps cancel out acids produced by bacteria in your mouth and helps rinse away food particles.
  2. Avoid giving trick-or-treaters sticky candies that cling to your teeth. The stickier candies, like taffy and gummy bears, take longer to get washed away by saliva, increasing the risk for tooth decay.
  3. Avoid giving trick-or-treaters candies that are sour. Sour candies are high in acids that erode enamel.
  4. A plain chocolate bar is a better option than sour, sticky or hard candies. Unsweetened chocolate has actually been shown in some studies to protect teeth.
  5. Perform a “safety check.” Take a look when your child returns from trick-or-treating to ensure there are no dangerous items in their collection. Include your child in this process to explain the decisions you make and allow them to learn good habits.
  6. Sort it out. Encourage your child to eat the healthier treats and avoid hard, sour or chewy candies like jawbreakers or caramels. These candies have high acidity and/or stick to the teeth longer, which can cause more damage.
  7. Limit availability. Candy should be enjoyed, but moderation is important. Have your child choose 15 or so of their favorites and remove the rest.
  8. Consider donating extra candy or keep it stored away.
  9. Always brush-up after consuming candy. Set a specific time of day for candy consumption and then have your child follow-up by brushing his or her teeth. This is much healthier than allowing your child’s teeth to be continuously exposed to sugary or acidic treats throughout the day.
  10. Clean between teeth daily with floss. Decay-causing bacteria get between teeth where toothbrush bristles can't reach. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line.
  11. Though this Halloween is a great opportunity to start employing these practices, don’t stop there! Continue to follow these recommendations throughout the year so your children can develop good dental hygiene habits while still enjoying their treats in moderation.
With all that in mind, don’t forget that Power Swabs® makes the very best oral healthy products that can be enjoyed by all family members. The Power Swabs Power Gloss™ and Power Rinse™ are excellent at removing plaque and cleaning teeth without scratching the enamel. Its advanced formula also contains healthy ingredients that you can feel good about, and they work great.

Remember also that the holiday season is also picture season and a time you want to look your best. The Power Swabs® teeth whitening system whitens teeth after the very first use. You will see 2 shades of improvement after the first 5 minutes and you will get 6 or more shades of whitening after just one week. Best of all, Power Swabs is the only tooth whitening system that can be used on all dental surfaces including caps, crown, veneers, bonding and white fillings without any sensitivity whatsoever.

Happy Halloween.