Monday, February 11, 2013

Top Recommendations for Your Daily Dental Care

By Martin Giniger, DMD, MsD, PhD, FICD

With so many dental care products available for consumers to choose from, it can become quite confusing. Here are some basic facts about toothpaste, mouthwashes and teeth whiteners, to help you pick the best one for your personal use. I personally recommend the complete Power Swabs® Teeth Whitening System and I will explain why below.

Choosing a toothpaste can be as important as choosing your dentist. While you see your dentist twice a year, you use your toothpaste every day, probably twice daily. The problem is that most whitening toothpastes are very abrasive and they scratch teeth by their very design, and this is one of the main reasons why your teeth look yellower over time. In my opinion, the ideal toothpaste works to not only clean and whiten your teeth, but also to prevent future stains without scratching or damaging you teeth. There are many types on the market that offer multiple benefits wrapped in one toothpaste, but the only crystal clear, non-abrasive whitening toothpaste on the market is Power Swabs® Power Gloss.  This truly innovative toothpaste was designed with special ingredients that make your enamel slick and glossy, and thus prevents plaque build-up and whitens teeth without scratching. Also the extra shine prevents new stain deposition and tricks the eye by reflecting white light better so teeth appear as white as they can be. This is a far better whitening strategy than all the other toothpastes on the market that simply add extra abrasive. Power Swabs® Power Gloss™ may cost more than traditional toothpaste products, but you get only one set of permanent teeth and in m y opinion you should do everything possible to prevent them from becoming scratched and damaged.

To know which mouthwash is best for you, you need to know why it is important to use it in the first place. Essentially, a mouthwash is an oral rinse that gives several benefits: 1) it removes food particles and stains stuck between teeth and in hard-to-reach places of the mouth; 2) it kills the bacteria that cause plaque and create volatile sulfur compounds, which are the source of strong mouth odors; and 3) it gives a fresh, clean feeling in the mouth and makes the breath smell more pleasant. Most mouthwashes on the market do a pretty good job at all of these, but only Power Swabs® Power Rinse™ can make you teeth appear whiter almost instantly. Power Swabs® Power Rinse™ should be used after each whitening treatment to give your teeth extra brightness and to prevent future tartar build up. This unique mouthwash also contains a special pigment that makes yellow teeth look whiter instantly. It also has a special high mint favor that will keep your breath fresh for hours. Rinsing is a very important part of any oral hygiene regimen.

Teeth Whitening
Unfortunately most of the brands of teeth whiteners on the shelves at your local pharmacy, and even those provided by your dentist, are little more than a thick gel with acid and harsh peroxide beach. The problems with these systems are: 1) they are difficult and messy to apply; 2) they require that you use them for a long time in in order to see a result (bleach works very slowly and it doesn’t actually remove any stains); 3) they don’t works on caps, crowns veneers or dental work; and 4) they are also painful or cause tooth sensitivity. Only the Power Swabs® Teeth Whitening System has taken all these flaws into consideration, and in many ways it is the ideal teeth whitening product. The main difference is that Power Swabs® contains a special tooth detergent that is gently rubbed onto teeth with a mild whitener to quickly eliminate stains and whiten without any sensitivity. Power Swabs® will allow you to see as much as a 2 shade difference after just one 5-minute use and you will see on average 6 shades after only 1 week. Most importantly you will feel no pain, no sensitivity and it will work on natural teeth as well as veneers, caps, crowns, white filling and even denture teeth. No other whitening system can do that, and no other products work as fast, or works to actually remove the stains!

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